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Associations of Belgians in Thailand
1. Belgian Club of Thailand (BCT)
Facebook page: Belgian Club of Thailand
E-mail: belgiumclubthailand@gmail.com (for enquiries about membership)
The BCT has the following purposes:
- Promote networking between all Belgians and other nationals living or visiting Thailand;
- Facilitate integration of Belgians in Thailand;
- Contribute to the Thai society.
2. Vlamingen in de Wereld (VIW)
Dhr. Eddy Bull – Representative of VIW in Thailand
E-mail: eddybull@hotmail.com
Voor inlichtingen over de "Stichting Vlamingen in de Wereld" die een band wil smeden en onderhouden met de 500.000 uitgeweken Vlamingen:
Vlamingen in de Wereld
Gaucheretstraat 60
1030 Brussel
Tel.: +32 (0) 2 201 73 84
Fax: +32 (0) 201 73 85
Website: www.viw.be
E-mail: info@viw.be
3. L'Union Francophone des Belges à l'Etranger (UFBE)
M. Philippe Van Roy - Representative of UFBE in Thailand
email : phililiv@gmail.com
Union Francophone des Belges à l'Etranger
Rue Joseph II
1000 Brussels
Fax : +32 (0) 2 218 44 36
Website : www.UFBE.be
E-mail : ufbe@skynet.be of ufbe-bruxelles@ufbe.be
4. Vlaamse Club Pattaya (VCP)
Dhr. Donaat Vernieuwe (NL)
Website: www.vlaamseclubpattaya.com
E-mail: donaatvernieuwe@hotmail.com
5. Belgian-Luxembourg/Thai Chamber of Commerce (BeLuThai)
Ms. Sarudha Netsawang - Executive Director
Belgian-Luxembourg/Thai Chamber of Commerce
Room 1229, 4,4/5 Level 12, Central Tower,
Rajdamri Road, Pathumwan,
Bangkok, 10330, Thailand
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tel.: +66 (0) 2 697 9069
Email: info@beluthai.org
Website: www.beluthai.org
Associations of Belgians in Cambodia
Business Association Benelux Cambodia
#30 Preah Norodom Boulevard, 3rd floor
BRED Bank Building, Khan Daun Penh,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: + 855 10 871 140
E-mail: benelux@eurocham-cambodia.org
Social media: Facebook + LinkedIn