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The Embassy in Bangkok is responsible for:
- Thailand
- Cambodia
- Laos
- Myanmar
Who's who at the Embassy?
- - Ambassador
- Mrs. Sarah Gasquard - Chargée d'Affaires a.i.
- Mr. Koenraad Du Pont - First Secretary
- Mr. Joost Depaepe - Consul General
- Mr. Philip Athanasulias - Consul
General Administration of Customs & Excise
- Mrs. Carine Willems
Customs Counsellor (based in Jakarta)
Email: Jakarta@minfin.fed.be
Flanders Investment & Trade
- Mr. Peter Christiaen - Economic and Commercial Attaché for the Flemish Region (Thailand)
Tel.: (66) (0) 2 108 1815 – (66) (0) 2 108 1816
Fax: (66) (0) 2 108 1817
Email: bangkok@fitagency.com
Website: www.flandersinvestmentandtrade.com
- Mrs. Eaimt Phoo Phoo Aung - Economic and Commercial Attaché for the Flemish Region (Myanmar)
Address : Level 4 Unit #1, Uniteam Marine Office Building, 84 Punhlaing Street, Sanchaung Township, 11111 Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Tel.: (95) (0) 9 791 63 63 73
Email: yangon@fitagency.com
Website: www.flandersinvestmentandtrade.com
- Eve Devoldere - Economic and Commercial Attaché for the Flemish Region (Cambodia and Laos)
Tel: +84 24 3 934 61 72
Mob: +84 904 60 65 59
Address: c/o Embassy of Belgium, Somerset Grand Hanoi, 49 Hai Ba Trung Street, 9th floor, Hanoi
Email: hanoi@fitagency.com
Website: www.flandersinvestmentandtrade.com
AWEX - Walloon Export & Foreign Investment
- Mr. Nasser Belalia - Economic and Commercial Attaché for the Walloon Region (Thailand and Myanmar)
Tel.: (66) (0) 2 108 1818 – (66) (0) 2 108 1819 – (66) (0) 2 108 1820
Fax: (66) (0) 2 108 1821
Email: bangkok@awex-wallonia.com
Website: www.wallonia-international.be/index_uk.htm
- Mr. Jean-Pierre Muller - Trade & Investment Counsellor (Cambodia and Laos)
Lim Tower, 23rd fl.
9-11, Ton Duc Thang Street
D1, Ho Chi Minh City
T 84-28-382.19.228 or 229
Email: HoChiMinhCity@awex-wallonia.com
Website: www.awex.be